SigningHub SaaS is scheduled for an update this Saturday, 21st December 2024 – the services will be unavailable from 06:00 AM to 12:00 PM GMT

Electronic Signing Benefits

Efficient, legal, secure, green, cost-effective, easy to use

e-Sign contracts and see these advantages

The average time to get a paper contract signed is measured in days, whereas the average time to get an electronic contract document signed using SigningHub is measured in minutes. SigningHub provides a quick dashboard view of where a document is in the process as well as detailed document tracking!

Time saved means you have more time to get new customers, rather than chasing paper!

Legal weight Electronic Signings

SigningHub complies with legislation and regulations concerning digital/electronic signing:

EU Directive on Electronic Signatures

EU Qualified Signatures

US E-Sign Act



FDA’s 21 CFR Part 11

UETA (Uniform Electronic Commerce Act)

GPEA (Government Paperwork Elimination Act)

Can be used with industry credentials e.g. Adobe CDS®, SAFE-BioPharma®

No matter which country, jurisdiction, regulation or industry, speak to us about how we can help meet your electronic signing requirements.

Strong security

Advanced cryptographically-created electronic signing (not just e-signatures images)

Independently validate that signed documents have not been tampered with

Strong non-repudiation by using keys under the sole control of the signer

Multi-factor authentication before signing (OTP, smartcards, tokens, username/passwords)

Time-stamped enhanced signatures which can be verified in the long-term (PAdES)

Able to use Secure Signature Creation Devices (SSCD) and thus produce qualified signatures.

Customer satisfaction

Easy to use web interface

Simply click and sign signature fields

Zero footprint, just need a browser

Group signing, delegated signing and simple document tracking

Wait for the amazing feedback you will get from your customers!

Customer satisfaction

Easy to use web interface

Simply click and sign signature fields

Zero footprint, just need a browser

Group signing, delegated signing and simple document tracking

Wait for the amazing feedback you will get from your customers!

Go green with us

400% Growth in paper use in 40 Years

1 Tree makes ~8000 sheets

4 Billion trees used every year

10,000 Sheets used per year by a typical office worker

Cut cost

More than just buying the paper, also add:

Printing/photocopying costs

Delivery costs (mail, fax, courier, internal)

Scanning costs

Disposal costs

Do the maths and you’ll be surprised! View the full details here. SigningHub will be a fraction of your paper costs.

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We work in a fast paced environment and SigningHub has enabled us to accelerate the signing process and easily keep track of what the next step is in getting our contracts and orders signed.

Somo Logo

Helen Wheeler
Traffic Coordinator at Somo

We work in a fast paced environment and SigningHub has enabled us to accelerate the signing process and easily keep track of what the next step is in getting our contracts and orders signed.

Somo Logo

Helen Wheeler
Traffic Coordinator at Somo