SigningHub in Norway

Effortless electronic and digital signatures anytime, anywhere

Why do people and businesses in Norway use SigningHub?

SigningHub is Norway’s go-to for getting things done. The reality is signing documents can be a logistical nightmare, whether you’re buying a new house or sorting out insurance for car, house or collectibles.

That’s where SigningHub comes in. We help streamline the document signing process through the power of electronic and digital signatures – enabling you to sign anywhere, anytime. SigningHub goes beyond mere document signing, our dedication to innovation, security, and productivity streamlines your operations, ensuring a smoother, safer experience. Try it and see why people and businesses across Norway are ditching paper and signing digitally with SigningHub instead.

What documents can I sign with SigningHub?

Norway is a leader of the digital revolution, and its adoption of electronic and digital signatures is widespread. People across the country choose SigningHub to tackle a wide range of documents digitally, saving them time and money. Here’s a list of the types of documents you can sign with SigningHub in Norway:

Personal documents – Rental agreements, employment contracts, loan agreements, insurance policies, and tax forms

Business documents – Sales contracts, non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), quotes and invoices, employee onboarding documents, and permits and licences.

These are just a glimpse of the several types of documents you can confidently sign with SigningHub. From school forms and contracts to bank documents and medical information, SigningHub can handle it all. If you have a specific document in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team, we’re more than happy to help answer any questions you might have.

Norway’s electronic and digital signature laws

Norway is part of the European Union (EU) and as such there are several laws and regulations governing the use and acceptance of electronic and digital signatures. You can rest assured that SigningHub complies with all relevant EU laws, as well as Norwegian-specific laws and regulations.


Can I use SigningHub for digital signatures?

Yes, you can use SigningHub for both electronic and digital signatures in the UK. Digital signatures are a more secure electronic signature. SigningHub is compliant with the EU eIDAS Regulation, which is the legal framework for electronic signatures in the European Union.

In line with the EU eIDAS regulation, SigningHub offers three types of electronic signatures.

Learn more about the different types of eSignatures.

How do I create a signature in SigningHub?

Creating a signature with SigningHub is easy. Log into your SigningHub account and navigate to the “My Settings” section. From there, you’ll select “Signatures”.

You can customise your signature appearance three ways:

  • Draw your signature using a mouse, touchpad or touchscreen
  • Enter your signature as text and adjust the font, size and colour
  • Upload a scanned or digital image of your signature

Once you’ve confirmed your signature settings, you can apply your signature directly to a document when needed.

Can I sign PDFs using SigningHub?

Yes, you can. SigningHub is a cloud-based eSignature platform that is compliant with the eIDAS regulation. This means SigningHub-generated signatures are legally recognised in the UK and other EU member states.

To sign a PDF in SigningHub, you’ll first need to create a SigningHub account. Creating an account is free and only takes a few minutes.

Once you’ve created an account, you’ll be able to sign PDFs by uploading them to SigningHub, entering your signature, and then sending the signed document to the recipient.