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Basic Electronic Signatures

Immediate signing without user registration or certification

What are basic signatures?

Some business applications require users to sign documents immediately without requiring the user to register and have their identity verified with the SigningHub system. Typically use cases include a potential customer visiting a bank, office or shop in person and needing to sign some initial paperwork.

In such scenarios, the businesses need to:

Present the document immediately

Capture the person’s hand-signature mark on the document

Lock the document from further change using a server-side e-Seal

In addition a staff member may also apply their advanced digital signature as a witness for additional security and trust

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See what’s inside a basic signature:

After the user has made their e-signature appearance mark on the document, behind the scene SigningHub protects the document by locking it with an advanced e-Seal, using a key that it owns or that belonging to the enterprise account holder (e.g. bank, office, shop etc).

After the user has made their e-signature appearance mark on the document, behind the scene SigningHub protects the document by locking it with an advanced e-Seal, using a key that it owns or that belonging to the enterprise account holder (e.g. bank, office, shop etc).

How Basic Signatures appear when verified:

Documents signed with a basic e-signature show the person’s signature mark but when verified show that the digital e-seal (technically a digital signature) was applied by the organisation:

Basic Electronic Signatures