Qualified Electronic Signatures

SigningHub eIDAS compliant Qualified Electronic Signatures (QES) are:

built on the Advanced Electronic Signatures (AES) format but where also:

the user’s digital certificate is issued by a trusted Qualified CA

the user’s signing key is managed within a trusted Qualified Signature Creation Device (QSCD)

QES provide highest trust and cross-border recognition.

We support:

Remote Qualified Signing

User signing keys are in a certified HSM & under the owner’s control (EU eIDAS/CEN 419 241 Level 2 Sole Control)

Local Qualified Signing

User’s signing key is locally held on a certified QSCD (smartcard or USB token)

SigningHub can get Qualified Certificates from:

Our Online Qualified
CA Partners

SigningHub can obtain qualified certificates automatically in real-time from our partner Qualified CAs in the remote signing use case

built-in CA

For on-premise clients, the SigningHub built-in CA can be used to set-up your own Qualified CA

Qualified CAs

Certificates from any external Qualified CA can be used with SigningHub in the local signing use case

Our Online Qualified CA Partners

SigningHub can obtain qualified certificates automatically in real-time from our partner Qualified CAs in the remote signing use case

SigningHub built-in CA

For on-premise clients, the SigningHub built-in CA can be used to set-up your own Qualified CA

External Qualified CAs

Certificates from any external Qualified CA can be used with SigningHub in the local signing use case